Holier Than Thou

“My God is  more powerful than yours “

-No matter how naive , how jejune the combination of words may sound, this frivolous idea has killed more innocents than any war did, in the history of our planet. Millenniums ago, people lived in clusters, plowed land and enjoyed breeding to get a life. People indeed, were so unorganized that the need of the hour was a medium to merge the clusters, into a community. No doubt, Religion came to the rescue.Everytime things got imperative, religion delivered. But that was millenniums ago. Since then, we haven’t stopped trusting religion to emancipate every time, no matter how tragic the conclusions were.

Got any idea how many people were killed because religion was in crux of the reasons ?? Me neither. It is impossible to answer with facts. In fact, if historians are to be believed, entire races were wiped out due to conflicts that originated with religion and concluded with deaths.A rough estimate of what documents say:

  • The Holocaust:  6 million
  • The Crusades: 1-3 million
  • Partition of India: 1 million
  • The Inquisition: 1 million
  • 30 Years War: 3 – 11 million
  • French Wars of Religion: 2-4 million
  • Nigerian Civil War: 1-3 million
  • Second Sudanese Civil War: 1-2 million

(Source:- Religious warThe Holocaust)

Let alone modern day terrorism !

And why did this happen?? Look back, you will find ! An idea so lethal that it can take a large toll in no time at all.

“Mine is holier than thou “.

Religion is just a set of ideologies, that guides us to pick up the fair ethics. But the question is  Do we still need religion to guide us what’s wrong and what’s worth a pick-up ? Robots don’t need that ! And I am sure we,human have much broader outlook. We stand far from a chance then !

Time has come for us to rise above narrow thoughts and paltry logic ! All religions must either cease to exist or resonate together to make this planet a better place to live in.

People often relate the modern-day terrorism to religion. Islam is the worst victim. It is,probably, the weakest religion that could least behold it’s followers from brain-washing. Islam, at the end of the day, gets afflicted of the opprobrium. Sad for them. But things must change now. And I can see a potential starter for the change, in India. Religiously speaking, India almost represents the whole world !

The ideology  “holier than thou” must cease to exist and ‘dharm ke companiya‘ must join hands to sovereignly follow their own ideologies without impeding into others.Every individual needs to evaluate,iterate their life and start from the back. Do Spare a thought .Don’t we deserve a better livelihood than we got now, in a place where we’ve been dominating for more than half a dozen millenniums ?? !

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